Our neighbors stop for a pre-party photo shoot!

Many hours were spent getting the basement ready - I don't think the
picture does it justice. It looked AWESOME!!!!! I was pretty proud :)

This is one of the early hayrides...we were still waiting for all of our guests to arrive.
Later - we took a SPOOKY nighttime ride - oooooooo...SCARY!!!
My first blog.
We had our third annual Halloween party on Friday, Oct. 24! We had so much fun! In the past, the party has always been for my friends and their children. Well this year, Connor had a few little guests of his own that he added to the invite list from school. We had about 25 - 30 children and most of the parents stayed. I had the party in the basement this year and it seemed to work out better - I didn't care much about spills and the decorations were terrific. The highlight of the party was the cool hayride in the court. My wonderful neighbor, Tonya set it up. Her dad drove his riding mower and pulled the kids around the court - it was Tonya's idea and the kids had a ball! We played some games, ate lots of yummy food and I pretty much collapsed when the night finally came to an end. My mom helped me a TON and I couldn't have done it without her. I love celebrating with my kids...it's my favorite thing to do :) We are looking forward to Trick or Treating this FRIDAY!!!!