Connor and Danny are ready to go! Connor is a Storm Trooper and I wanted Danny to be a cowboy - We bought him a Darth Vader costume and he chose the Green Power Ranger from the year before, at the last minute. We tried to tell him that we just spent $20.00 on the new Darth Vader costume - he could have cared less. He would have been precious in any costume!

Danny was always a few steps behind but he LOVED Trick or Treating. Aunt Colleen would wait for him. It looks like they are having an important conversation.

Here is the group we walked with - Everybody looks AWESOME!

After Trick or Treating, we sat around our neighbor's fire pit and let the kids run around. One of our neighbors showed Scooby Doo the Movie on his garage door - like a Movie theater screen size. The weather was perfect and the kids had the most fun. The adults laughed, told stories and had lots of fun too!

Tonya and I enjoying our favorite drink! Cheers!