These are a few of my favorite things
The boys' art projects are my favorite! I LOVE to see the things that they bring home.
I don't want to forget these things and they are so special, I thought I should blog about them. I don't think I have a famous artist on my hands...but their masterpieces sure are GORGEOUS to me!!!

Danny made this at Michelle's - isn't it clever?
I did catch him licking it!

This is Connor's Christmas tree - yes, I know - it really is a tree! Charlie Brown has always been my favorite - so who cares what the tree looks like! I think it's lovely.

Danny made this candy cane all by himself!

This is Baby Jesus in his bed...and when Connor does a good deed, we add a piece of straw to it. I took all the straw out so I can remember his beautiful artwork.

Connor is so proud of this chain, that he had his teacher carry it up to me after school so he would NOT crush it! He told me the last time they made these at school he could not do it - but NOW he can! He was beaming and I think it looks perfect on our tree!