Saturday, December 27, 2008

Colleen is getting married!!!
Colleen's boyfriend of two years, Doug, asked her to marry him on Christmas Eve.  It was a big surprise for Colleen and we couldn't be happier for the two of them!
Congratulations, Colleen and Doug and here's to many years of happiness and memories! I love you guys - such a cute couple!

This is right when Colleen and Doug showed up at my parents' house.  We were all crying - OF COURSE - this is too much...very hard to believe. And look at that rock - WOW...well done, Doug!!

The ADORABLE newly engaged couple! They both smiled like this the ENTIRE day!

CHEERS to the happy couple! NOW LET'S have an O'Malia wedding!!!!!!!


IUgirl78 said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for Colleen!! I cannot wait to hear more details. WOW!!!!

Pigtail Mama said...

How exciting! I'm so happy for her- yay!!!