We Love You and We Miss You
Dad ~ Pop Pop H. ~ Rudy
Tig's father passed away on Saturday, June 20. He had been battling cancer and was in so much pain. Although we will miss him, we know that he is in a better place and there is so much relief knowing that he is not suffering anymore.
Rudy was one of the nicest people I knew. From the first day that I met him, he was always so kind, generous and welcoming. He was also one of the simplest men I knew ~ a good book was enough to make him happy ~ or a visit with his son and grandsons. Our boys enjoyed his weekend visits and we will miss them. I will miss his stories about David as a little boy ~ he loved to talk about David growing up (and how mischeivious he was!). It was very hard to watch him suffer and it was equally as hard to watch Tig. He spent so many hours
at the nursing home with his dad these past couple of months - he truly was a dedicated son and he will miss his Dad very, very much.
God Bless You, Rudy!

What a sweet tribute. I'm so sorry for the loss and wish your family peace in getting through this tough time.
So sad :( What a kind hearted man he was. Love you all very much & am so glad I am home...
I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I love all of the pictures of Rudy with David and the boys. You can tell he was crazy about all of you guys! I'll be thinking and praying for you guys this week.
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