Monday, June 8, 2009

PARTY PREP for Danny Boy!
We always make cupcakes together for birthday parties.
Connor and Danny love to help and I love to make a big deal out of it!! 
My mom ALWAYS made birthdays over the top special when I was growing up and I try to do the same for my boys!

Do you think he is excited for the big day??

Cracking the eggs is the MOST desirable job! Danny got to crack two since it was his birthday and Connor got to crack one - they are pretty good at it :) Thanks, guys!

Danny was SO careful to do it just right!


The following morning was SPRINKLE duty! They both did a fabulous job and I only had about 4 million sprinkles on the counter - not bad!


Colleen and Douglas said...

Precious. Seriously. If I had never met them before I'd say "what perfect little angels"! Short of that though, they are the cutest little boys ever. And I'm their AUNT!

IUgirl78 said...

Happy birthday, Danny!!! That's so neat that you make such a big deal out of b-days. Our family never really did that, so I have to make a special effort to do so in the future.

I love that the boys helped you make the cupcakes, and I'm super impressed that they can both crack the eggs!!